Happy Counselors Appreciation Week
Happy Counselor Appreciation Week! As we celebrate this week, we’d like to take time to acknowledge our counselors for the hard work and dedication they’ve always shown. We know how important your work is outside and inside of our classrooms. With your help and guidance, our students are able to thrive and achieve goals in…

Free Books for the Community
The American Federation of Teachers with PVFT are sponsoring a book giveaway. We have partnered with PVUSD to host this event at Watsonville High School on Saturday, Feb. 24th from 10am to 3 pm. Hope to see you there!
Mr. Alaniz’s wind ensemble
Check out the production of Mr. Alaniz’s Wind Ensemble. This is a collaboration between Ms. Manh’s CTE Video Production students and Mr. Alaniz and his music students. Enjoy the video!