PVFT Early Childhood Educators attended Wednesday’s board meeting to share their work and ask for board support in ongoing negotiations. “The ECE workload is a challenge, but we love it and hope you’ll support us”, said Mary Jo Silva. “It takes a village to raise a child, and childcare is often part of that village. We’re having a positive impact in our district but it’s breaking a lot of backs and a lot of spirits, particularly for these preschool teachers with 48 kids,” added Jude Rose. The PVFT Negotiating Team has proposed salary improvements for our union’s lowest paid group of teachers, as well as language to improve working conditions. Manuel Serrano urged the trustees to take a hard look at the low salaries they pay to their employees in ECE. “In order to attract and retain qualified pre-school teachers, we need to revise the salary schedule.” After obtaining a BA in ECE and teaching for 13 years Manuel told the board he must still hold a second job to support his family. Click here to see their comments to the board (jump to 1:54:30)