PVFT COPE Endorsements

PVFT-COPE endorsed the following candidates: MoCo Sheriff: Tina Nieto  MoCo District 2: Regina Gage  SC Co District 3: Justin Cummings  SC Co District 4: Felipe Hernandez  PVFT-COPE’s position on the following measures: MEASURE D: VOTE NO Regarding State elections, PVFT-COPE, in solidarity with the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) and other CFT regional Locals (GSCFT, CCFT,SVFT, NMCFT, Aromas-San Juan…

Grant Opportunity

  Teacher Grant Applications  The Santa Cruz County Division of the California Retired Teachers Association CalRTA Area V Division 7is pleased to offer fifteen $100.00 classroom grants to Santa Cruz County Public School teachers.No conditions are attached to the grants except that teachers use the money to enhancetheir classroom endeavors. To apply for $100 Teacher…

August 24th 2021

Joint communication released from PVFT, CSEA, and PVUSD. Yesterday a joint communication was released regarding the new Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to the health and safety of our members and students. Click the link to read the full communication.

FAQs for the elementary phase in

We have put together an FAQs sheet for the Elementary opt in with students. As we work with the district on the secondary plan we will continue adding to this document. You can also see the full document at this link: FAQs FOR ELEMENTARY