Parents, families, and community members,
You can help by contacting the PVUSD Board of Trustees and the district Superintendent with your message of support for teachers and quality public education. Stay current via our negotiation updates. Download the community flyer for information in English or Spanish.
~ Please call, email, or text
“Keep our teachers in PVUSD with a fair salary increase now.”
Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, PVUSD Superintendent
831-786-2135 ::
Daniel Dodge Jr, President PVUSD Board of Trustees
~ Stand with Teachers! Join us at the next PVUSD Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 11 2020
6:00pm Rally 7:00pm Meeting
City of Watsonville, Council Chambers
275 Main Street, Watsonville, CA
Best to access via 6th floor parking garage on Rodriguez Street
Location can be changed up to 72 hours prior to meeting (check website to confirm)
~ Rally in front of Main street and Green Valley every Friday morning
7:00-8:00 am
Main st and Green Valley Road, Watsonville
~ CONTACT the representative from your footprint.
Who’s my trustee?
Please VOTE in the November 2020 School Board Elections!
Trustee Area 2 (Maria Orozco)
Trustee Area 3 (Karen Osmundson)
Trustee Area 6 (Georgia Acosta)
~ Request and display a sign for your yard, window or car
~ Like our Facebook Page